CHLA 2018: The Handbook for Mortals and the Muddy Waters of YA Best Seller Status

Presentations, research, YA Literature

This year at CHLA in San Antonio, Texas I am making two presentations.

On Friday, June 29 at 11:00 am, I am participating in Panel 3B: The Syllabus Exchange. I will be presenting on Multimodal Assignments and talking about my most recent course, The History and Rhetoric of Science Writing for Children.

If you attended but were unable to take a copy of my handout home with you, please feel free to download a copy here:

CHLA 2018 Syllabus Swap Handout: Multimodal Assignments

On Saturday, June 30 at 3:30pm in the June Cummins room, I will be presenting a conference paper entitled “The Handbook for Mortals and the Muddy Waters of YA Best Seller Status.” If an attempt to make my presentation more accessible, please feel free to take a look at the complete PPT slide deck and the text version of my talk, available below.

Presentation Script (Text only version)

Handbook Muddy Waters PowerPoint Presentation

I hope to see you in San Antonio!